Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Trip to Maine

Went to visit my girlfriend up in Maine. During the visit we got to go up to her family's camp, which is in the middle of nowhere. A nice time to get away from the everyday hectic life where there is no cell phone service.

[Dangling tree]

[Out-of-ground tree roots]


[Close-up of the woodpecker]

Monday, July 5, 2010

Field Course in Belize

At the end of May, I left for the Drowned Cayes, Belize for a field course in monitoring animal behavior in Bottle-nose dolphins and West Indian manatees. I also got to scuba dive off on the Belize Barrier Reef. I was able to get a few cool pictures of the entire trip.

[Housing we stayed in]

[One of the many dolphins we observed in the wild]

[Lonely mangrove island]

[Lonely fisherman]

[Walkways covered by mangroves]

[Local soccer field on the beach]

[Iguana resting in a bird house]

[Mayan Ruins Site]

[Bus we traveled in to the Mayan site]

[Me at 70ft.]

[3ft. Green Moray Eel]